How To Make The Perfect Cup of Matcha


Look at this beautiful cup of matcha. A perfect cup of matcha.

This is matcha, the way it’s meant to be. Pure, perfect, deep green tea leaves frothed up to make a rich and complex tea.

What is matcha?

Quite simply, matcha is green tea leaves, dried and crushed to a powder. With traditional green tea, you don’t consume the leaves. However, with matcha you actually consume the pulverised tea leaves. Which makes for an intensely rich tea experience with maximum health benefits.

Matcha has caffeine in it, but unlike coffee where you will feel a spike of energy after drinking it, and then a sharp decline, matcha behaves better. With matcha, the caffeine effects are spread evenly and slowly throughout the day. So, you have sharpness, alertness and focus, without those jittery spikes that a cup of coffee can do.

How is matcha grown?

Green tea leaf bushes are grown in the shade. In this way, it maximises the chlorophyll and nutrients in the leaf and it’s what makes matcha vibrant green in colour. The leaves are then picked by hand and stems removed. After which, the leaves are ground into a very fine powder.

Why is drinking matcha good for you?


Antioxidants are substances that may prevent or delay some types of cell damage. So, when you cause cell damage and have all those free radicals bouncing around in your body, antioxidants neutralise the free radicals. Matcha is rich in antioxidants called catechins. Catechins are anti-inflammatory and very beneficial for our health and well-being.

Vascular Health

Vascular health, in other words, looking after our blood vessels and our circulatory system are paramount for longevity. Keeping our arteries clear and blood vessels working optimally is key to health. Plant compounds and micronutrients are abundant in green tea. Matcha is therefore anti-inflammatory and very beneficial for our vascular health.

Cancer-fighting Effects

There have been extensive studies where people who had stomach cancers and drank green tea, reduced their risks of cancer. Drinking matcha is effectively drinking green tea leaves, thereby providing you with those cancer-fighting effects.


Ceremonial Grade Matcha

The quality of the matcha you buy matters. The best quality matcha should be bright green and vibrant. If your matcha is more yellow/brownish it means it comes from the tougher, thicker leaves and may be bitter. A great quality matcha should not be bitter but well balanced and slightly sweet.

Also, ditch the added milk, soy, oat, almond whatever. Just have pure matcha, nothing else is needed. Maximum health benefits, undiluted by anything else.

How to make the perfect cup of matcha

  1. Boil water
  2. Let it cool down to a drinkable temperature, i.e when you drink it, you won’t burn yourself or won’t need to blow on the tea to cool it down. (about 15-30mins)
  3. Pull out your finest Japanese cup and measure out one teaspoon of matcha powder
  4. Add the boiled, but cooled water, to the cup
  5. Take out your electric frother or matcha whisk and froth up the matcha so the top becomes light and frothy.
  6. Enjoy your perfect cup of matcha!

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