The Healing Power of Simple Chicken Soup

Learn to make a simple but powerful chicken soup that heals your body.

a bowl of polish chicken soup

There are countless recipes for chicken soup but this one is hands down the best! It is a clear broth, with a superior taste. It’s packed full of a multitude of minerals and vitamins that will heal any ailment. Every single cell in your body will be singing with gratitude.

Here is the key to success in this soup: CHOOSE ORGANIC INGREDIENTS

With every element in the recipe, choose the best quality ingredients you can find or can afford. You will benefit tremendously from it. This chicken soup is loaded with medicinal minerals and vitamins, thanks to the organic ingredients you put it.

So, grab your largest pot and let’s get started!

An important disclaimer: the recipe below makes for a very nutritious, delicious chicken soup, however if you don’t have some of the ingredients on hand, don’t worry you can still make it. A word of caution though: you CANNOT omit the items with an asterisk (*). These are essential to a great chicken soup.


1 Fresh Whole Chicken (Cage Free/Organic) *

2 large yellow onions, skin on, cut in half *

1 large bulb of garlic, skin on, cut in half *

3 – 4 medium carrots *

3 – 4 celery sticks *

2 leek

1 small parsnip, skin on, halved

2 large cabbage leaves

a generous handful of fresh flat leaf parsley, unchopped *

a generous handful of fresh dill, unchopped *

2 tablespoons salt *

6 whole black peppercorns *

3 bay leaves

5 allspice kernels


  1. Place your chicken in the pot and fill it up with cool tap water. Fill to about a thumb width below the rim.
  2. Add the salt
  3. Let it come to the boil, and then slowly simmer the chicken in the water for 1 hour.
  4. While this is happening, you will notice white foam coming to the surface. You will need to skim this off with a spoon every so often. This is the MOST IMPORTANT part and key to getting a clear broth.
  5. After the hour, you can add all the remaining ingredients.
  6. Let it simmer slowly for about 1.5hrs.
  7. Keep the lid on, slightly ajar. We don’t want to loose all that delicious broth through evaporation.
  8. After 1.5hrs, taste test. If it needs more salt, add some. (You will know it needs to salt, if the broth has no flavour. Adding more salt will bring all the flavours out)
  9. Find all the carrots, and remove them from the soup. Cut them into discs as pictured above and set aside.
  10. Pull out the chicken and set aside.
  11. Strain the remainder of the soup. With a sieve, sieve out all the vegetable debris and throw it out. We don’t need this, all the nutrients and minerals are actually in our broth. You should be left with a beautiful clear broth.
  12. Add back the carrots
  13. Shred the meat from the chicken, and add it back to your soup.
  14. Now you can add some cooked noodles or pasta or omit it.
  15. Garnish with fresh parsley.
  16. Enjoy!

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