Home LIFE FINANCE I spent the best $150 on this!

I spent the best $150 on this!


What is the best thing you can spend your money on?

woman holding dollar bills like a fan in front of her face

Most of us, have limited amounts of money. You may be in your 20’s starting your first real job and earning a small entry level salary. Likewise, you may be in your 30’s with young children just starting school, and you are quickly realising you have to balance all the costs involved in raising a family. There are school fees, grocery and utility bills, and a mortgage to pay. You may be in your 40’s or 50’s and think you have life pretty well figured out now, but yet you still have strict outgoings and very little disposable income. What do you spend your money on? What is the best way to spend $150?

Accordingly, wherever you may be in your life, you will always have to make a conscious decision on how to allocate your limited funds. So how do you make a decision on what to spend your hard earned money on? What will bring the biggest satisfaction and make your heart happy?

The answer is clear and simple. Invest in yourself.

Learn something. Make something. Do something.

I spent my $150 on a hands-on Indian Cooking learning to make butter chicken, and it was the best way I have ever spent $150.

How a hands-on course can be the best way to spend your money.

Perhaps you are interested in creating interesting cocktails to serve up to your friends when they come to visit. Maybe you want to start a business and need to learn how to setup a website. Maybe you’re anxious when driving, fearing something might go wrong with your car and you’ll be stranded. Do you have a new camera with techie features you don’t understand? Why not join a walking photography course in your neighbourhood to learn how to take the most spectacular pictures.

A hands-on course is the key here. Step away from the YouTube tutorials, the quick TikTok hacks, the online ‘200-hour-of-commitment’, courses. Find something local in your neighbourhood that is easy to commit to and sign-up to it, today. Spend your money on a hand-on course.

Hands on the best $150

You need to feel, see and do and completely immerse yourself in the experience for it to be fulfilling. Consequently, you will feel proud of the knowledge you have gained and be more confident in your new skill. Above all, a skill that you can never loose and might lead you to finding the thing that makes your heart sing!



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