Home HEALTH & WELLNESS FOOD I’ve Started Eating One Kiwi A Day. Here’s Why.

I’ve Started Eating One Kiwi A Day. Here’s Why.

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Kiwi fruit are a tasty and refreshing fruit. Beautifully deep green in colour, the texture inside is like a crisp strawberry. Deliciously sweet, and a little tart to taste. Small, edible, black seeds stud the center pith. The outer skin is thin and furry, and edible if you like. Find out why I have decided to eat 2 kiwi fruits a day and how this unique looking fruit holds some pretty powerful minerals and vitamins inside, that reduce DNA damage in your cells. The kiwi fruit benefits are extraordinary!

Where did Kiwi fruit come from?

Kiwi fruit were originally native to China but New Zealand started cultivating them in 1904 and made them the global commercial success that they are now. They were named after the kiwi bird which is native to New Zealand and is equally small and furry, like the kiwi fruit.

Kiwi fruit benefits


Researchers in Singapore conducted a study of kiwi fruit on the gut microbiome. Six people were given 2 kiwi fruits to be eaten daily for 4 days. Their faecal matter was then studied and the results were astonishing. Researches found the presence of two important gut bacteria had increased. Lactobacillus was increased by 35 percent. And the Bifidobacteria increased by 17 percent. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria are incredibly beneficial gut bacteria They produce short chain fatty acids, which lower inflammation. Short chain fatty acids prevent digestive food from leaking out. Furthermore, they also improve glucose and lipid metabolism. Therefore, it was concluded that kiwi fruits have great prebiotic effects and have positive effects on the beneficial gut bacteria.

It’s worth remembering that if we have an abnormal gut microbiome, it will trigger some autoimmune disease. Therefore try to eat foods that restore your gut bacteria. Among kiwi fruits, also try eating walnuts, beans, and cocoa, chicken soup or bigos for increased gut health.

“The most powerful way to treat disease is to prevent it in the first place”

Dr William Li. EAT TO DISEASE 2019
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DNA damage reduction

Kiwi fruit have the unique ability to actually repair DNA damage. In another study with kiwi fruit, researchers in Scotland gave participants two to six pieces of kiwi fruit to eat, per day. After the 3 week period, they discovered that eating kiwi fruit, reduced DNA damage in the participants by 60 percent. 60 percent, that is staggering! Imagine cells in your body that have been damaged, then eating a kiwi fruit and being able to restore the cell damage to 60 percent. That’s incredibly powerful! Eating kiwi fruit neutralises free radicals and increases the repair rate of DNA.

Vitamins and Minerals

Kiwi fruit has high levels of Vitamin C, chlorogenic acid and quinic acid. All of these minerals have tremendously powerful antioxidant effects. Kiwi fruit actually has higher levels of Vitamin C than oranges!

Vitamin C is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. It’s involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the proper functioning of the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. Vitamin C is excellent in skincare for brightening and glow.

Chlorogenic acid is a polyphenol and the ester that is found in coffee and black tea. It has antioxidant and chemo preventive activities. Chlorogenic acid scavenges free radicals, which inhibits DNA damage.

Kiwi fruit have a ton of benefits! The best way to treat disease is to prevent it in the first place. Start your daily intake of kiwi fruit today. Damaged cells in your body will get repaired and your gut microbiome will multiply with all the good disease fighting bacteria. You will thank yourself that you did.



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